
HeySport is a visual blog about design in the world of sports. 

Hometown Icons

Hometown Icons

The talented Elias Stein is back at it. He recently launched a new site called Hometown Icon, which features multiple illustration projects that have been in the works including Figures, Portraits and my personal favorite Basketball Cities. Below are some of my favorites from the series.

And of course, all of this great work can be purchased here.

Hometown Icon is a sports art gallery celebrating the cities, teams, and athletes that fans love to root for. The name is meant as a play on the multiple meanings of the word “icon.
— Elias

Brooklyn Nets

Indiana Pacers

Phoenix Suns

Charlotte Hornets

Miami Heat

San Antonio Spurs

Dallas Mavericks

New York Knicks

Seattle Supersonics

Christiano Siqueira

Christiano Siqueira

Nike's 2018 National Football Kits

Nike's 2018 National Football Kits